It's been on my mind for some time, visiting the North, but where to start? Well, that wasn't too hard for me. There are many reasons why this country caught my eye.
Who doesn't fall for their lovable coffee culture (which even has it's own Swedish name), their most powerful equality system, their breathtaking landscapes, and of course, the IKEA.
You may think that sounds dreamy. Well, it is. But now it's time to make that dream come true. This country is one I want to explore. In the time that you read this blog, I already visited Stockholm. Five days I have been roaming around in Sweden's biggest city. I spend these precious days roaming around the beautiful streets of Stockholm, visiting the old and the new. I met some very polite (very Swedish) friends and get to know the day-and-nightlife of this majestic city. Well, I can already tell you that five days are by far not long enough.
If your'e interested, you will find the Stockholm blog(s) in the following posts. Be sure to follow the blog if you want to explore Sweden with me, because the next visits are already planned...
With love,