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Modern, active, Swedish Gothenburg

Writer: NicoleNicole

Sweden's second biggest city is Gothenburg, or in Swedish, Göteborg. After my visit in Stockholm, I had my expectations. Well, guess what?

Gothenburg is nothing like Stockholm and a whole new, exciting experience! It was also the first stop of my big 2018 adventure, so let's dive into it.

Just like my last visit to Sweden, I was very lucky with the weather. It was cloudy, but the weather was soft. I think It's been around -2 to 0 degrees but I didn't pay too much attention to it. Of course I didn't, there was so much to discover, in just so little time! This time I cheated a little, I had a sweet Swede (I just love to say that) with me to guide me.

Sweden at it's busiest

The first thing that came to my mind as soon as I set foot in the big centre of the city, was the word; alive. This city really had some rush going on. Lot's of busses, trains, even trams, and subways to bring you wherever you want, whenever you want. Besides the traffic, also people seemed to know where they where going. That seemed a lot more like I'm used to in the dutch Amsterdam.

The difference is; this is Sweden. And not only because of the beautiful singing language you hear in the background, but still the typical Swedish culture is easy to see in this big rushing city. People keep their respectable distance despite finding themselves in overcrowded streets.

Fika and köttbullar

Besides architecture, which in my opinion get's real close to the dutch architecture, tons of museums, Swedish singing voices everywhere and a massive view from the Lilla Bommen (the lipstick) building, I had of course my Swedish moments too. After acting like a real tourist it's becoming a true standard for me to have a three 'o clock coffee break with a sweet treat on the side. Gothenburg has many cozy, modern and funky cafés to have a beloved fika.

This time, I wanted more. Yes, I'm talking about the famous Swedish meatballs; köttbullar. It comes with some mashed potatoes, berry's and a sweet sauce. You won't believe how great that combination is once you've taste it. And the best thing about it is; you can get complete meals with appetizers, drinks and coffee after for a very friendly price. The funniest thing with that is that Swedish people think it's expensive. Wait until they go out for dinner in Amsterdam...

Must see Gothenburg

Other things you must see in Gothenburg are the football stadions (yes they have two on walkable distance). They are both used for football games, but also for concerts and festivals. Be sure to check that out if you're in for an unique and exciting experience! Are you planning on visiting in the winter? Then make sure to visit one of the many ice rinks for some ice skating fun. Keep in mind that they close around sixteen 'o clock, so be there in time (not like us being too late on the latest day possible...)

I hope you enjoyed my Gothenburg adventure, stay tuned if you want to find out what I did in Alingsås! Click here to see more pictures of Gothenburg.

With love,




© 2018 Nicole

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