My own blog
You can get an impression of my writing style in
my personal blog. These articles show my personal
style and tone of voice, which I used for several
companies, after they specifically asked me to do so.
Skillseeker (blog)
I wrote several Dutch blog articles for online platform Skillseeker. These articles are written in a period of 6 months (September to April 2017-2018) and include news items, fun subjects and interviews.
Visit their blog page to find my articles.

Text archive
Mokum Magazine
This version of Mokum Magazine (Amsterdam's most famous free magazine) is totally made by me; talking about the texts, interviews and designs. It is a Dutch magazine but I can send a translated version.
DTT (Online marketing)
For DTT, a successful dutch app developer, I worked as a textwriter for the Online Marketing team. In a period of three months, I wrote several (Dutch and English) landingpages, blogs, product descriptions and suggestions for press articles.
I was also partly responsible for the Social Media texts.
You can visit their website to get an impression or ask me for the specific texts.